Monday, April 28, 2014

these girls

We go way, way back.  Back to the age of tight rolled jeans and Bel Biv Devoe.  Tape decks and big bangs.  Passing notes and first boyfriends.  And from our Friday nights at Roxy Wheels to our sacred kid-free girls nights out, we've lived, loved and laughed.  Weddings and funerals.  Baby showers and birthday parties. And everything in between.  

When we first got our diagnosis these girls took time from their own busy lives to come babysit, meet me for lunches and listen while I tried to make sense of my new reality.  And they haven't stopped there.  They have now joined forces with Revolution Brewery and put together an over the top fundraiser to help support Emmy's everyday battle with Rett Syndrome and the International Rett Syndrome Foundation.  The invite has it all... 

The words thank you just don't seem like enough.  I don't really know if I have the words to convey how important your friendship has been over the years.  Cue the Golden Girls theme song, that should take care of it. 

You're all lucky I don't have access to middle school pictures since they're at my parent's house.  I'm sure there are modeling pictures, bad perms, braces, the works.  Here's the oldest I could find.  18, naive and living it up...

So here's a BIG, FAT CHEERS to Kate Ipsen, Kelly (Schwarz) Wallin, Jillian (Jarzombek) Shadob, Arian (Turner) Bichsel, Annie (Davis) Leppin and our beautiful friend Jackie who was taken from us way too soon.  Her smile, laugh and unwavering friendship will never be forgotten.

Love you girls.


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