Thursday, April 18, 2013

A Lesson in Love

I was at my sister's house watching her twins one afternoon.  Emmy's cousin Ryan told me he'd like to feed her her mac n cheese for lunch.  This video melts my heart.  I had dreams of these two growing up along side each other.  I had dreams of them running, pretending and eating popsicles outside in the summer.  This certain scenario never entered my mind.  Although this is not exactly what I had imagined, I am thankful Emmy has cousins that want to be her helper.  It is such a simple act of love but it makes my heart swell with gratitude.  It is hard to hear, but at the end of the video Emmy's other cousin Kaitlin says, "This is the best day ever." And Ryan responses is, "Yeah".

1 comment:

  1. I could not possibly love this video more. So so sweet.
